It's been a while and this blog could definatley use some T.L.C because I was doing a lot of reading and working on a niche website and also learning some new techniques.
I would like to write a series of what I am learning in an organized fashion so anyone can learn along with me. There are so many platforms out there to build a website from weebly to wordpress and of course blogger, I will need to brainstorm a good solid series that would be helpful to you while following this blog.
So here are some ways for going about doing this:
Wordpress- I currently operate a niche site on wordpress and learned quite a bit through that process.
Good ole html - building pages and templates that can be easily restructured for wordpress and blogger.
What I am currently studying- building sites via Photoshop ( I use GIMP a free open source software )
Div positioning- this can easily take up so many time with trial and error. Maybe exploring this concept could be a series all on its own.
Leave a comment sharing what you are currently learning.
Kay Ambrose